Spanish authorities release list of defaulters

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Where there is trade, there are likely to be defaulters as well. An ignorant and non-paying debtor is extremely frustrating for your business. Unfortunately, American companies are often confronted with overseas debtors, who are not responding to any kind of contact. To expose a part of such European debtors, Spanish tax authorities have published a long list of defaulting natural persons and corporations in Spain. Individually, these debtors owe at least one million euro to the Spanish state. This list of notorious debtors in Spain, allows international companies to check whether or not their Spanish business partner owes a large sum to his government. Information that could be valuable when your company is considering to engage in business with Spanish corporations.

The list that has been released by Spanish authorities contains 4800 notorious debtors in Spain. All the names, family names and contact details are revealed on the list. Next to that, the amount each person or corporation owes to the Spanish government is revealed. The total amount these parties owe is 15.6 billion euro. A lot of parties mentioned on this list have already filed for bankruptcy or suspension of payments.

Consulting the List
Is your corporation considering to engage in business with a Spanish company? Or, would you like to know if your Spanish business partner owes a large amount of money to Spanish authorities? Then we encourage you to have a look at this list. The Listado de Deudores Art 96 bis LGT was produced on December 23, 2015. You can consult the list through the webpage of Spanish tax authorities, the Agencia Tributaria.