What is the difference between a debt collection case and a disputed claim?

There are roughly two types of debt collection cases: a regular collection case and a disputed collection case. The big difference between these two collection cases is the route that must be taken to resolve the issue and collect the outstanding debt.
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Regular debt collection case

In a regular debt collection case, your debtor indicates that they cannot pay you or there is no response at all by the debtor. Sometimes a debtor can simply not pay and sometimes a debtor does everything to avoid making a payment.

Top 5 regular debt collection cases

  1. Your debtor has financial problems: there are currently no financial resources to pay the invoice.
  2. Your debtor has all sorts of excuses why no payment has been made yet.
  3. Your debtor tries to stretch time by holding a longer payment term than agreed.
  4. Your debtor does not give a reaction or even seems to have disappeared. The reason for default is therefore (still) unknown.
  5. There is a scam. Your customer never planned to pay your invoice.

Disputed collection case

A disputed collection case is a trade dispute between two parties. In disputed debt collection cases, your debtor claims they have a valid reason not to pay. For example, because they believe you have not fulfilled certain agreements from the contract. The debtor can simply claim this for the claim to become disputed. They will however, need to prove this in court.

Top 5 disputed collection cases

  1. Your debtor indicates that no delivery has been made.
  2. Your debtor indicates that the wrong goods have been delivered.
  3. Your debtor indicates that delivery was late.
  4. Your debtor indicates that the delivery was not in order, for example because the products show a defect.
  5. Your debtor indicates that they have suffered damage.

Trajectory of a disputed collection

With a disputed debt collection case, there is no point in increasing the pressure, because there is a conflict which must first be resolved before the debtor will pay. In that case, our specialists will make every effort to resolve the trade dispute. Of course, we always try to resolve the conflict without a judge, but in many cases, it is necessary to start a lawsuit to resolve a disputed collection. A judge will rule on the conflict and state what needs to be done.

Fast payment of your invoices?

Immediately transfer your debt collection case. Our debt collection specialists will then start working on your business the same day so that you can quickly receive the money you are entitled to.
Submit your case before 4:00 P.M. and we will act today!

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