International debt collection
International debt collection made easy, thanks to our in-house team of international lawyers and collection specialists. As an international debt collection firm, we overcome language barriers, cultural differences, and international legal obstacles to ensure that you get paid.
Our 70+ years of debt collection results speak for themselves: we solve 95% of our cases without having to go to court, on a No Win No Fee basis.
But what if a debtor stubbornly refuses to pay without court intervention? Then you can rely on the international legal knowledge, skills, and authority of our in-house lawyers from over 35 different countries to get your invoice paid.
This is what our clients can expect from our international debt recovery services:
Read more on how we can help you below or contact us right away for immediate action.
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Global debt recovery
The best international debt collection results for the lowest costs!
Debt recovery in Europe and beyond
Being confronted with a foreign customer that refuses to pay your invoices can be challenging. While you should always try contacting your debtor by email, telephone or post first, doing so will not always yield meaningful results.
Understanding and navigating local laws is crucial in these situations, as different legal systems can pose unique challenges.
In that case, you will have to find the answers to questions such as:
- How long can I pursue payment of my invoices abroad?
- Does the law in my debtor's country offer them any kind of legal protection?
- Can I have a judge declare my debtor bankrupt?
- How much money will an international lawsuit cost me?
- Do different countries use different limitation periods?
And many, many more.
That is why it is essential to be able to rely on the right expertise when it comes to international debt collection. For the best results, you need experts who speak your debtor’s language, understand the business culture of your debtor’s country, and know the relevant laws and regulations like no other.
So, do you have an international debtor who refuses to pay your invoices? Then it is time to take decisive action. Then, it is time for Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers.
- Both extrajudicial and judicial debt recovery
- The highest customer satisfaction based on 1000+ reviews
- 70+ years' worth of experience with international legal measures
- Direct communication with your case manager
- 24/7 access to your international case files
How does international debt collection work?
Collecting debts on an international scale poses several unique challenges, requiring a unique approach. Have a look at the steps below and discover why our international debt collection method remains unparalleled.
Step 1. Transfer your claim for collection
Tip: You will receive login credentials for the Bierens Web Portal shortly after you have transferred your case. Through our portal, you can follow your case every step of the way. View all documents pertaining to your file, access all correspondence between us and your debtor, and read all of the case notes of your dedicated case manager.
Step 2. Preparation is half the battle
We give it our all to recover your debt without the need for court intervention. In order to do so, we start by analysing credit reports, company registration details and database entries pertaining to your debtor company. Doing so will help us discern your debtor’s solvency and the expected recoverability of your claim.
Tip: If you transfer your case on a working day before 4 p.m. CE(S)T, your debtor will receive a demand letter on the same day.
Step 3. Our extrajudicial debt recovery phase with a 95% success rate
Because every legal system has its peculiarities, we employ an in-house team of 115+ international lawyers and debt recovery specialists. As such, different languages, business customs and legal systems are no obstacles for us. Combine that with over 70 years of experience and you get an extrajudicial debt recovery method that offers an unmatched success rate of 95%.
On top of that, our No Cure No Pay policy applies to the extrajudicial phase, which means that there is very little risk involved. We also make every effort to recover our fees from your debtor, to ensure that we can provide you with the highest possible payout. On average, our clients receive 95% of the principal amount if we recover their claim in full within the extrajudicial stage
Read more about our fees on our fees page.
Step 4. Iron-clad judicial debt collection abroad
We also offer iron-clad judicial debt collection solutions for the small number of international claims that cannot be recovered extrajudicially. Before initiating legal proceedings of any kind, we always discuss your options with you.
Understanding and communicating in your debtor's local language is particularly crucial in the judicial debt collection process, as it helps mitigate language barriers that could otherwise complicate the proceedings.
In the judicial phase, our lawyers can employ highly effective European debt collection measures, as well as legal processes unique to the law of your debtor’s country. After obtaining a verdict, we can also help enforce it. Whatever the approach, the goal remains the same: ensuring that you get paid while keeping your costs low.
Step 5. A successful recovery and another happy customer
After we have recovered your claim, we will ensure that you receive your money as quickly as possible. Naturally, your case manager remains at your disposal for any further questions you might have. After all, we want your experience with us to be perfect, from beginning to end.
Would you like to read more about what our clients think of our services? Then you may want to have a look at our references page.
More information on international legal measures:
Download your FREE copy of our eBook Debt Recovery in Europe
Would you like to learn more about the most effective debt collection measures and legal strategies in Europe? Then be sure to download your copy our eBook Debt Recovery in Europe below. From the use of promissory notes in Italy to the Electronic Payment Procedure in Portugal: our eBook covers it all.
Why partner with Bierens for your international debt collection?
When it comes to international debt collection, pressure can be an exceptionally powerful tool. With that in mind, consider the following and decide for yourself which option puts more pressure on the debtor:
Option A. 
A renowned international law firm approaches your debtor and warns them that legal action will be taken against them if they remain in default of payment.
Option B.
A regular debt collector approaches your debtor, but your debtor is fully aware that the debt collector is unable to take any kind of meaningful legal action.
Would like your debtor to learn what real pressure feels like? Then fill in the form below and contact us today.
Contact us for your free case evaluation

Free case evaluation by the best debt collection specialists
Frequently asked questions about international debt collection
The phrase “international debt collection” is an umbrella term that encompasses various extrajudicial forms of communication, credit management tactics and (international) legal measures with one common goal: recovering money and making sure that overdue invoices get paid as quickly as possible.
Because we are an international debt collection law firm, recovering international debt is our speciality. That’s why our definition of international debt collection is a lot simpler: international debt collection is the solution we provide when your international customer refuses to pay your outstanding invoices.
Practically every company will be confronted with unpaid invoices and non-paying customers at some point, but what can you do if your defaulting customer is situated abroad? The task of having to overcome potential language barriers, cultural differences, and a variety of international legal obstacles might seem daunting.
If calling your debtor or writing to them yields no results, you need to be able to rely on an expert to get your invoices paid. That is where our in-house team of international lawyers and collection specialists will gladly come to your aid.
During our preparations, we spare no effort in finding your international debtor’s contact information. We will then reach out to your debtor through every available channel. Your debtor can expect to receive demand letters, phone calls, and other kinds of payment reminders that all carry the same message: pay your dues or risk litigation.
We will, however, make sure to align our communication with the optimal collection strategy for your case. Adjustments are made based on your relationship with your debtor, your debtor’s industry, and other factors. As such, please do not hesitate to let us know if you prefer a certain kind of approach; we are always more than happy to accommodate.
The costs of international debt collection depend on several factors, such as whether the money is recovered extrajudicially or judicially, the fee structure of the collection agency, and more.
Another important question that is often overlooked, is how much it costs to let your international debtors get away with non-payment. Accumulating bad debt can erode profit margins and may lead to significant financial challenges or even business failure. The additional turnover needed to recoup losses caused by unrecovered debt is also likely to be sizeable.
The extrajudicial (out-of-court) collection phase at Bierens is based on the principle of No Win, No Fee. This means that, in the rare event that we are unable to collect, we only charge our administration and research costs for a total of €185. In most situations, however, we recover the claim in full without the need for court intervention. In those cases, our clients receive 95% of the principal amount on average.
No Win, No Fee does not apply to judicial (in-court) debt recovery, as the Dutch Bar Association does not allow for the application of such a fee structure when there is a substantive legal dispute.
Please consult our fees page for more details.
There are several factors that can impact the duration of an international debt recovery case. Nevertheless, we always strive to recover your debt in our extrajudicial phase. We succeed in doing so in 95% of all cases, which means that collection is relatively quick.
In some situations, the collection process may take longer. If your debtor disputes your claim (by stating that the goods you provided did not meet the agreed upon specifications, for example), you may be forced to address said dispute through litigation. The need for court intervention typically prolongs the expected duration of a collection case. Courts in different countries may also observe vastly different processing times. Naturally, our lawyers will always aim to conclude matters in court as quickly as possible.
Please contact us for a free evaluation if you would like to know more about your case.
Our lawyers can access all available legal measures to collect international debts. This means that our clients can always rely on the optimal legal collection strategy. Are both you and your debtor situated in EU member states? Then we can consider the European Small Claims Procedure, the European Order for Payment Procedure or the variety of legal procedures offered by the law in your debtor’s country.
We will gladly advise you on the fastest and most cost-effective options. And rest assured; we will never initiate legal proceedings without your explicit approval.
After you have uploaded your claim, our intake department ensures that you get the perfect case manager based on the unique specifics of your case. Your case manager will keep you informed on all key developments and will remain your direct contact for all matters regarding your case.